Sunday, September 2, 2012

Reading Blog: Tablets VI-VII

I don’t understand why the palace prostitute is cursed. So what if he was turned into a rich respectful person? Instead of cursing her they should thank her for making Enkidu a household name around Uruk. Will they realize that in the end? Will Enkidu be cured from his sickness? 


The palace prostitute is cursed because, in other words she "tamed" Enkidu. She was the one who changed him into a civil human being, instead of the cave-man he was before. Later on Enkidu does take back his curse, but, you can infer there is still resentment. Unfortunately Enkidu does pass away. Enkidu's passing, like everything in life had a positive side. The bright side is that it makes Gilgamesh question himself about what he really wants out of life. Leading him into another "quest".

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