Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Op-Ed Article and Response

For the last couple of weeks we have not only read Persepolis, but we have been learning and discussing topics like: women’s rights, fear, power, politics, religion, torture, revolution, capital punishment, human rights, government oppression, globalization, family, and education.

This last month a researcher in Human Rights Watch’s office in Moscow Russia was repeatedly threated because of her pregnancy. These threats were sent via cellphone. Investigators also say that the group threatening her has been eavesdropping on her telephone. They also knew things like where she lived, and what she was doing; which is a total violation of privacy. These threats were serious enough for the Human Rights organization to leave Russia as a whole. This is not the first time the organization has been threatened. For the last couple of decades Russia has suffered with this topic of human rights. The government of Russia was very strict, and heartless. They did innumerous counts of violent acts among their citizens. In my opinion a human rights group has all the “right” to go into countries like Russia, that haven’t had a good history with human rights, and try to change and observe what is going on in that country. Human Right’s group is calling this the latest example up rising pressure against rights and civic groups in Russia. 

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